Process Management






The Guisado Group offers the consulting services necessary to assist you in the optimization of your business. From process discovery to analysis and re-engineering, The Guisado Group offers a complete life cycle approach to optimizing business processes.

Reduce your operating costs or the cycle time of your critical business processes. Document your business processes for collaboration and understanding by all stakeholders within in your firm.  Document your business processes for compliance and regulatory purposes.

Evolve your company to one that implements a process focused culture. Implement a process oriented architecture (POA) not just a service oriented architecture. After all isn’t a process the orchestration of supporting services in a way that effectively represents how your business functions?

Through a comprehensive understanding of your operational processes it will be easier to manage any associated business risk. Identify risk. Document the controls you have in place to mitigate that risk.

Reduce the cost and improve your firm’s approach to Sarbanes Oxley compliance by using process documentation. Digitize your process designs and store them, along with their supporting properties as relational data.

Contact The Guisado Group to understand how we can help you discover, document and analyze your business processes.

Consider using a standards-based diagramming tool when creating a process diagram.  One such standard is BPMN. BPMN stands for Business Process Modeling Notation. BPMN is an industry standard process modeling notation sometimes used when creating a process diagram.

BPMN is one of of the many software standards managed by OMG. The benefit of a standards-based approach is the potential for re-usability. On the OMG web site you will find information which describes the core set of BPMN model elements in detail.

It’s the properties behind the picture that are more important to understand than just the picture itself.

It’s not how nice the process diagram is visually, it’s the understanding you gain about the process’ operational characteristics.

We will help transform your current processes (AS IS) to optimized future state (TO BE) process designs. We can help you to quantify expected business benefits of a new TO BE process design.

We can also assist with the automation implementation of your TO BE process designs. We offer consulting services which range from process analysis tool selection assistance to process technology implementation support.