Money Management



The Guisado Group is experienced with many different money management strategies for investing and trading. With the objective? What your time horizon? Seconds, minutes, days or years. What your experience?
Depending on what is dictated  by either macro economic events or specific regional economic conditions, our strategies adapt and take advantage of these unique situations.

Collectively the group has 30+ years of money management experience.  We practice patience and discipline in making both investing and trading decisions.   We trade for short term income and invest for longer term wealth creation.

If you’re satisfied with the performance of the overall market we suggest you invest in an index fund.  But if you want to out perform those benchmarks you need more advanced techniques. Artificial intelligence offers computer-based techniques.

Over the last twenty years the investments we have made out performed the broader market.  Our approaches & techniques have outperformed the overall market. We can help you do the same.

We engage in a variety of investing and trading techniques.  We have experience with many of the financial instruments; stocks, bonds, options and futures. We are experienced with

We practice exactly what we preach.  Our firm actively manages, advises or consults.  While managing our own financial portfolio (stocks, options, real estate and other entities) we disclose our  ideas and report on our actions. Regardless whether your objective is to grow wealth, to generate income, to manage a balance sheet or all of that we can help.